Erasmus+ a výměnné pobyty

Třítýdenní pobyt španělských studentů u nás

Třítýdenní pobyt španělských studentů u nás

V době od 26. února do 16. března 2024 jsme měli možnost hostit na naší škole Celiu a Simóna, dva španělské studenty z IES Escultor Juan de Villanueva, kteří k nám přijeli v rámci programu Erasmus+. Z jejich deníku si můžete přečíst o tom, jak se jim u nás líbilo:

Hi I am Celia and I will tell you about my experience in Frydlant nad Ostravici 🙂 I am here for three weeks with my friend Simon 🥰 We arrived on Saturday 24.2.2024 in Prague. On Sunday morning we went sightseeing and later that day we continued our journey to Ostrava by a three hour long train ride ☠️ We arrived in Ostrava and we met our families 💗 On Monday morning we had our first Czech school day. It shocked us how people here don’t wear shoes 🤢 The schedule is so much different than in Spain. Firstly the lessons are shorter, there are 10 minute breaks between classes and the mark system is very different. Here their marks go from 1 to 5, 1 being the best. In our country it is basically the other way around. Ours go from 0 to 10, 0 being the worst 🏆.

In the afternoons after class we spent time with our host families and some of their friends 👪 We hung out around the city, we went bowling, we visited Štramberg and on Friday we had the Prom! 🎉 It was really fun and nothing that we had experienced before. We do not have anything similar in Spain 😕

On Saturday we did not only reach the one week mark, we also welcomed our friends from Spain that would be staying for a week 🤩 With them we did lots of other activities and visits around the region. On Monday we went hiking in a mountain here in Frydlant. It was great but also a bit tiring since we were not used to it 🏕️ Tuesday we visited Olomouc. It was so beautiful. Such a great city for a student lifestyle 🧑‍🎓

On Wednesday we went hiking again. It was way more chill 🤙 The views were fascinating and we were in awe 🤗

Thursday we went to the amazing Ostrava 😀 We first visited the interactive museum. So much fun. Then we went climbing although some of us were a bit scared 😱 We had such an incredible time at the shopping center.

On Friday we spent the day in class learning their ways 🐚 But in the afternoon we went all together, as a big happy family, bowling 🎳

Celia Martínez Díaz and Simón Quirós Martínez

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Gymnázium, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí,
nám. T. G. Masaryka 1260,
příspěvková organizace,
739 11 Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
RED IZO: 600016251
Datová schránka: z64jrq3
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